We are the world's leading certification body to metals and materials companies

From our roots in metals and materials, SRI has grown since its inception in 1991 to now serve over 40 major industries.

More on Metals & Materials

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Enabling Companies to Address Critical Issues

Ensure quality, reliability, and security of your business systems and data with ISO 27001 and ISO 20000.

More on ISO 27001

More on ISO 20000

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Certification is Important to your Business

Tell your customers and suppliers that your organization meets important industry standards and requirements. When you choose SRI, you get independent recognition worldwide from a respected certification body that you have met or exceeded the standards. It is what your customers expect, and it shows that you are committed to their success.

Our Auditors Make the Difference

SRI knows that the most important relationship you have with us is the relationship you have with your auditor. SRI has built its business by employing the best auditors in the field. Our senior auditors are seasoned professionals averaging more than 25 years of experience. They know the standards and the industry so they can step right in and add value to your audit.

We enjoy an excellent reputation for professionalism, thoroughness, and practicality, largely a function of having the same staff for many years, and an excellent, experienced auditor group.

Industries we serve:

Certification is the next essential step. SRI and its experienced auditors provide professional, reputable, and seamless certification services – a level of audit services that will deliver a substantial return on your investment. Your quality, sustainability, and security management system initiatives will continue to guide you on the path to business success.

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PRI can meet all of your certification needs

PRI is an accredited certification body that issues quality, sustainability, and security management system certification certificates based on internationally recognized standards. We enjoy an excellent reputation for professionalism, thoroughness, and practicality, largely a function of having the same staff for many years, and an excellent, experienced auditor group.