IATF CARA – NC Management

Information for SRI IATF 16949:2016 Certified Clients 

Beginning January 2021, all IATF 16949:2016 certified organizations are required to begin using the new, mandatory, worldwide format for responding to Corrective Action Notifications (CANs).  The new approach is called IATF CARA – NC Management.  It is a web form that uses an internet browser as a text editor and is located at this link:  https://nc-cara.iatfglobaloversight.org.

The IATF has made Work Instructions available.  Be aware that the IATF NC CARA Tool also includes a five-minute video tutorial to guide you through the process.  That information can be found at this link: https://nc-cara.iatfglobaloversight.org/#!/ncAppStart under “Information” on the left menu.

IATF CARA – NC Management Procedure going Forward

Following the closing meeting of an audit event, the auditor will provide the client with a “json” or “xml” file containing the nonconformities raised.  This file must be saved in a folder created on a computer.  This file has the ability to be distributed among others in the organization who may share in the responsibility for response to nonconformance(s).

Once the response is completed, it is required the “json” file is sent directly to the SRI Customer Care Coordinator; the Customer Care Coordinator will process and forward it to the auditor for review and approval. Clients may CC their auditor on the email if they choose.

CARA Reporting FAQs

The initial containment activities have evidence associated that show they are closed—but there isn’t a specific place to upload this evidence. Where would be the best area to put it in the CARA document?

Answer:  The best place would be Evidence of Implementation files.

What is the difference between “Root Cause Analysis” and “Root Cause Actions”? I uploaded our 5-why document into the "Root Cause Analysis" files. I also added what our expected actions are going to be based on the 5-Why. But wouldn’t the “Root Cause Action files” basically be the same as the "Systemic Corrective Action" files?

Root Cause Analysis = written description or reference to a file such as  5 Why, Fishbone, FMEA, Scatter Diagram, etc.
Root Cause Actions
= Results of the Root Cause Analysis. Procedure Change. Multiple Results – Procedure Change, Training, New Tool, etc.
Systemic Corrective Actions -This where you can attach a file that describes the systemic corrective actions including timing and responsibility instead of writing out in the Cara Report the systemic corrective actions including timing and responsibility. Example: see attached file #1. 8D-2102021

There seems to be overlap in the “Systemic Corrective Action files”, “Evidence of Implementation”, and “Evidence of Implementation files” areas. How does one differentiate the evidence in these fields?

Systemic Corrective Actions -This where you can attach a file that describes the systemic corrective actions including timing and responsibility instead of writing out in the Cara Report the systemic corrective actions including timing and responsibility. Example: see attached file #1. 8D-2102021
Evidence of Implementation –  This where you enter the file name of the evidence attached to show implementation.
Evidence of implementation files – This is where you attach the files such as – Revised Procedure, Training Form, New Tool P.O, Certificate etc..